Student Wellbeing

Teenage students sitting with an adult

Our schools recognise the dignity of each student that is lived out in every aspect of school life to promote wellness, inner strength, resilience and wellbeing.

Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Lismore have a strong focus on the wellbeing of all students. Our students are at the heart of our endeavours to promote physical, social, emotional, psychological, intellectual, cultural and spiritual wellness. The actions within the school to enhance positive wellbeing outcomes are called Pastoral Care.

Pastoral Care is embedded in school policies and practices with the aim of enhancing student wellbeing and is based on the dignity of each student. Catholic schools acknowledge that each student experiences life uniquely, and so requires a different expression of care.

Positive wellbeing is achieved through:

  • a whole school approach including support for all students and targeted intervention
  • accompanying students through their spiritual growth
  • providing a rich engaging curriculum with high levels of student participation
  • promoting positive relationships (teacher-student, student-peer)
  • providing safe and supportive school environments
  • actively promoting opportunities for students to engage in school life
  • collaborative partnerships with families

With such principles and practices in place, our students are afforded every opportunity to experience the fullness of life.

Child Safe Communities


Consistent with its mission and values, Catholic Schools Lismore strives to ensure children in its care are safe and secure. Implementing a variety of practices that reduces potential risk forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities consistent with the vision of the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations. 

The Catholic Schools Office Child Protection Policy applies to all employees engaged to work in, or provide services to Catholic systemic schools in the Diocese of Lismore, with the aim to: 

  1. Clarify the expectations of employees who work in child related employment;
  2. Provide a safe and supportive environment for children and employees; and
  3. Build and maintain a contemporary Catholic workplace that is safe, respectful, professional and legally compliant.

Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Lismore are committed to meeting the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.  These Principles have been developed in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission and have been endorsed by all Commonwealth, state and territory governments.  They provide a nationally consistent approach to embedding child safe cultures within organisations that engage with children, and are designed to build capacity and deliver child safety and wellbeing in organisations, families and communities and prevent future harm.

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Principle 1: Leadership, governance and culture

Principle 2: Children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously

Principle 3: Families and communities are informed, and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing

Principle 4: Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice 

Principle 6: Processes to respond to complaints and concerns are child focused

Principle 7: Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training

Principle 8: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed

Principle 9: Implementation of the national child safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved/p>

Principle 10: Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people

National Principles for Child Safe Orgnaisations Poster

For more information on the National Principals for Child Safe Communities, pleae refer to the Australian Human Rights Commission website.