The Catholic Schools Office in Lismore is responsible for developing and formulating policies that ensure schools are aligned with the vision, mission and strategic direction of the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited.
Schools determine their own procedures for the development and implementation of school-based policies which are available from respective schools.
Asset Management Policy
Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct
Child Safeguarding Complaints Management
Child Safeguarding Policy
Communications Policy CPO
Enrolment Policy
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
Governance Framework Policy
Inclusive Practices Policy
Mandatory Reporting to the DCJ
Modern Slavery Policy
Parent and Caregiver Concerns and Complaints Procedure
Parish Engagement Policy
Pastoral Care Policy
Privacy Policy
Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Child Safety Incidents and Concerns
Reportable Conduct
Responsible Persons Policy
Risk Management Policy
Staff and Students Professional Boundaries Policy
Student Anti-Bullying Prevention and Response Procedures
Student School Counselling Policy
Substance Management Policy
Suspension, Expulsion and Exclusion Policy
Suspension and Expulsion Standard Operating Procedure
The Use of Social Media by Employees, Contractors and Volunteers Policy
Whistleblower Policy
Work Health and Safety Policy
Working With Children Check Standard Operating Procedure