The Diocese of Lismore is committed to ensuring our schools are truly Catholic in their identity and life. All who work, teach and lead in our schools are called to nurture a partnership in faith, love and hope among students, parents, staff and priests. The Accreditation to Work Teach and Lead Framework is a mandatory component across the ACT/NSW Catholic Sector and outlines the qualifications, ongoing formation and professional learning required for staff in our schools.
Our dedicated teachers understand that education is a lifelong pursuit. Armed with this philosophy, they are continually learning new and innovative ways to share this same passion for education with our students. All teachers in the Lismore Diocese need to have NESA accreditation to be eligible to teach in our schools. It is a requirement of teachers to achieve accreditation at Proficient Teacher level within a defined timeframe by fulfilling NESA requirements.
Visit NESA - Your Accreditation
See the Current Positions Vacant