Announcements & Events

Announcements and events are released directly from the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited (DLCSL).

24 October 2023

St Joseph's Primary Catholic Primary School to return to Woodburn

We are pleased to report that the Board of Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited has re-considered its decision to immediately enact the recommendation of the Flood Review Commission not to return the school to Woodburn.

Whilst the decision to ultimately relocate the school still remains, the Board of Directors have decided to return the school to its Woodburn site as the existing site in Evans Head continues to present challenges and limitations and further investment in infrastructure and facilities on the Evans Head site is problematic. We also acknowledge that many in the St Joseph’s School and Parish communities have been passionate in their desire to return the school to Woodburn.

We are deeply aware of the impact that the floods have had on many families and staff, and on the Woodburn community as a whole, and acknowledge the need for certainty and stability as they continue to work through their own recovery.

The Catholic Schools Office are currently scoping the refurbishment needs of the school site at Woodburn and investigating possible resilience strategies to mitigate risk and impact and we will have a clearer understanding of timeframes once this work is completed.

By its nature, the Northern Rivers region is prone to flooding. As much as we hope this will not occur, we also understand the school will likely be impacted again in the future. With this in mind, we must be prepared to accept that a flood in the future could mean the school would need to be moved again. On that basis our long-term strategy is still to relocate the school to a flood free site in the future.

We take this opportunity to thank Ms Jeanette Wilkins and Mrs Sophie Taylor for their leadership through such challenging times. I also thank Ms Wilkins and Mrs Taylor and all the staff of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School for their unwavering support and dedication to the school, students and community.

For further media information contact:
Leesa Kwok – Media and Communications Manager
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited or
+61 429 575 722

18 June 2024

Historical Allegations of Abuse Involving Former Principal

St Carthage’s Primary School, Lismore and Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools (DLCS), are deeply troubled by revelations regarding historical allegations of abuse involving a former member of our community, Brother Jerome Hickman. While Brother Jerome served as Principal at St Carthage's Primary School, Lismore, from 1992 to 1996, it is alleged that incidents of abuse occurred prior to his tenure at our school.

There are no known complaints, allegations of abuse, or inappropriate conduct during his time at St Carthage's Primary School. Nevertheless, DLCS acknowledges the seriousness of these allegations and the profound impact they have on survivors and their families.

As an educational institution committed to the safety and well-being of our students and staff, DLCS stands firm in its dedication to supporting all victims of abuse. The courage it takes for survivors to come forward and share their experiences is recognised, and our unwavering support is offered to those affected.

In response to these revelations, St Carthage’s Primary School and DLCS are taking immediate steps to uphold the values of safety and integrity that define the school community. This includes removing all references to Brother Jerome from our school and renaming the associated colour house to symbolise our commitment to supporting survivors and safeguarding the well-being of our students and staff.

It is understood that this news may be distressing for members of our school community. Support resources have been made available for students, staff, and parents. DLCS remains committed to transparency, accountability, and the well-being of the entire community as this challenging situation is navigated together.

For more information regarding DLCS Child Safeguarding Commitment Statement, to raise a concern or report, please visit the DLCSL Child Safeguarding website.

For further media information, contact:

Leesa Kwok– Media and Communications Manager
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited or
+61 429 575 722